SOLD! - 1992 Pre Historic Gibson Les Paul Custom ’54 Reissue Black Alnic0
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This vary rare 1992 Pre Historic Les Paul Custom has the super cool pickup setup these guitars have become so famous for:
1 x P90 Single Coil Bridge pickup for crazy lead rock sounds,
1 x AlNiCo staple Neck pickup which is absolutely fat and roaring!!
The "Black Beauty" is all original and in excellent condition. With untouched solder and pots stamped R1379223 it dates to week 23, 1992 which makes it a very early one! There is such a high demand for these early '54 reissues that they are very hard to find. Prices are rising while you are watching...
The Gibson 1954 Reissue Les Paul Custom with it's fat '54 profile neck is the Holy Grail for many Les Paul players who prefer chunky necks. Wrapping your hand around a juicy tree trunk of a neck is the real deal. If you're a fan of early Les Pauls, then you'll love this Gibson 1954 Reissue Les Paul Custom.
Warm and creamy, shiny and full of life, the bridge P90 in this Gibson Custom 1954 Les Paul Custom guitar captures the very essence of the classic pre-PAF P90. Roll back the tone, keep the volume in check, and you've got access to the liquid jazz lines Les Paul himself liked to play, or open it up full throttle and tap into nasty and gritty rock tone's.
The Alnico V pickup in the neck, also known as the "staple" pickup, was developed in 1954. Born from the tradition of the P90 but with a warm, clear, bright and more precise tone - one many guitarists still prefer today. And as we all know, the Alnico pickup can sound sweet, warm and jazzy but on full throttle this baby roars like a lion!! The case is a later Gibson Custom black Les Paul case with purple lining.