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SOLD! - 1959-1960 Fender Champ 5F1 Narrow Panel Tweed Amp

SOLD! - 1959-1960 Fender Champ 5F1 Narrow Panel Tweed Amp

€ 1.995,00 Normale prijs
€ 1.795,50Verkoopprijs

The Fender Champ Amplifier has been one of the greatest recording amps of all time! 


It has been a favorite for studios and artists for over 60 years! Why does everyone love the Fender Champ? Because they sound amazing! Their low wattage tubes provide a clean tone at low volumes and you can get that overdriven tube crunch when you turn up the volume. Since these amps are low wattage, you get get that fender tube crunch without blowing out the windows.


This one has the original 1959 transformers, electronics, tweed, grillcloth, chassic etc. The leather handle is a replacement, the powercord is replaced for a 3-prong grounded cord and the ASTRON capacitors have been serviced out but are included in the sale! Also the speaker is a 1976 Fender replacement speaker but its more valuable than the original and it sounds better as well!

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