SOLD! - 1953 Fender Champ 5C1 Tweed Wide Panel
This is the one little amp your wife will actually love to have in the living room...
The Fender Champ Amplifier has been one of the greatest recording amps of all time and it has been a favorite for studios and artists for over 60 years! Why does everyone love the Fender Champ? Because they sound amazing!
Their low wattage tubes provide a clean tone at low volumes and you can get that overdriven tube crunch when you turn up the volume. Since these amps are low wattage, you get get that fender tube crunch without blowing out the windows. Rich, warm clean tones around 6-8 on the knob. Cranked all the way the amp almost sounds like a gated fuzz when pushed with a pair of humbuckers. Wonderful for recording or playing at home.
This one has the original 1953 transformer, tubes, tweed, grillcloth, electronics and speaker. The chassis is signed by the builder: "Esper". The backpanel is gone but it would be easy to make one with tweed and relic it. The handle is a nice replacement.